My suggestion is: do not use activities at all, instead use fragments, and replace them in the container (Linear Layout for example) where you show your first fragment.
The code is available in Android Developer Tutorials, you just have to customize.
It is advisable that you should use more and more fragments in your application, and there should be only four basic activities local to your application, that you mention in your AndroidManifest.xml apart from the external ones (FacebookActivity for example):
1. SplashActivity: uses no fragment, and uses FullScreen theme.
2. LoginSignUpActivity: Do not require NavigationDrawer at all, and no back button as well, so simply use the normal toolbar, but at the least, 3 or 4 fragments will be required. Uses no-action-bar theme
3. HomeActivity or DashBoard Activity: Uses no-action-bar theme. Here you require Navigation drawer, also all the screens that follow will be fragments or nested fragments, till the leaf view, with the shared drawer. All the settings, user profile and etc. will be here as fragments, in this activity.
The fragments here will not be added to the back stack and will be opened from the drawer menu items. In the case of fragments that require back button instead of the drawer, there is a fourth kind of activity below.
4. Activity without drawer. This activity has a back button on top and the fragments inside will be sharing the same action-bar. These fragments will be added to the back-stack, as there will be a navigation history.
[ For further guidance see: ]
Happy Coding !!